Memorize Scripture with us in 2025!
Watch Kelly’s video below to learn about our 2025 Sticky Scripture Challenge
Our Mission
BridgeKids is a Bible-based, gospel-focused, kid-centered ministry where every child feels welcome and safe. Children will experience creative and engaging Bible teaching that leads them to discover the wonderful truths of God. We desire children to fall in love with Jesus and choose him as Savior and Lord, and we are dedicated to working alongside parents to plant a strong foundation of biblical faith in children.
“For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”
Acts 2:39
what you can expect
Checking In
Note: We have a new Family Pre-Check system that you can learn about by clicking the button below!
When you arrive at The Bridge Church, you will find our children’s ministry area to your left as you walk in the front doors (or directly across from the main auditorium). You will know you are in the right place when you see the big red train slide in our check-in area!
As a first time guest, please make your way to the check-in counter where one of our trained volunteers will be happy to sign your children in as guests for the day. If you wish, you may fill out a child registration card and turn it in at the counter, or you may wait to fill one out upon your next visit. Once your children’s names are entered in our computer, you will receive a printed nametag for each child and a matching security tag for you. The number on your tag matches the number on your child’s tag. Please keep your security tag as it will be required when you pick up your child after service. We take great care of your children while you participate in the worship service.
Paging Parents
If we need to contact you during service, your family’s security tag number will appear on the screens in the auditorium. This number is the small 1- or 2-digit number on the top of your tag (not the large alpha-numeric code in the middle of the tag). If your number appears on the screen, please return to the children’s check-in counter with your security tag and we will reconnect you with your child.
Our Nursery, Toddler, and Preschool classrooms are open to receive children 15 minutes prior to service time. Children in these age ranges may either go directly into the classrooms at that time, or they may attend corporate worship with their parents in the auditorium to begin their day. Children are welcome in the service! After worship time, children will be dismissed to their classrooms. We ask that a parent or guardian escort toddlers and preschoolers to their rooms, but grade school children may walk themselves to the Kids’ Church theater room.
a bible-based, gospel-focused, kid-centered ministry
where every child feels welcome and safe
nursery (Infants through 24 months)
The BridgeKids Nursery provides a safe, warm, and playful environment for our littlest ones. Babies spend their time snuggling, rocking, and playing with age-appropriate toys, while experiencing God’s love through songs, simple Bible lessons, and the care of loving volunteers. Please note that volunteers are not permitted to change diapers – parents will be paged if necessary.
TODDLERS (2 years through 3 years old)
The BridgeKids Toddler room is action-packed with age-appropriate toys, songs, and craft activities. Our trained teachers and helpers use Bible-in-Life curriculum (David C. Cook) to teach children about God’s Word and His wonderful love.
The BridgeKids Preschool room is designed to allow times of free play with age-appropriate toys, interaction with trained volunteers who engage in relationship-building with kids, song time, and craft and game time. The trained teachers and helpers use Bible-in-Life curriculum (David C. Cook) to teach God’s word and his wonderful love. The crafts and take-home materials are designed to engage kids with the lesson truths each week.
BridgeKids’ Kids’ Church is a large group setting for all children currently attending elementary school. Children attend corporate worship in the main auditorium prior to being released to Kids’ Church. We engage in meaningful, conversational Bible teaching in Kids’ Church. There are often crazy games and object lessons designed to illustrate the objective of the day. We try to incorporate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic teaching each week so children can understand the Bible according to their best learning style. While there is a basic structure to Kids’ Church, there are often attention-getting surprises each week. The curriculum varies, but is always designed to bring the Good News of Jesus into the hearts and minds of kids!
Questions You May Have
How secure is your ministry?
All of our volunteers complete an application process including an interview and a background check.
There will always be a minimum of 2 adults serving in a classroom. Approved volunteers wear a blue lanyard with an ID photo. We also have a Hall Guard who is on duty during the morning service. This guard walks the halls, making sure no one without a security tag is present. The guard also checks in on classrooms periodically.
Our classrooms are outfitted with safety gates, doors with windows, and walkie-talkie radios.
We utilize a security tag check-in and pick up system. Teachers must verify that a guardian’s security tag number matches the tag number of the child before releasing the child.
Other security measures are in place throughout the church building.
What if my child would benefit from a one-on-one buddy or other special assistance?
We realize that some children may need special assistance during class time, and in such cases we can arrange for a one-on-one buddy to stay with your child. We have several adults and youth helpers who are ready to serve as available. You may contact us ahead of your first visit if you’d like to pre-arrange a buddy.
What is your child wellness policy?
We kindly ask that parents/caregivers help us maintain a Wellness Zone in our nursery and other classrooms. Children will not be admitted if they have experienced any of the following within 24 hours:
fever over 99.6° F
vomiting or diarrhea
runny nose with any color of discharge
heavy wet coughs
unexplained rash
skin infection
ear infection
sore throat/strep throat
childhood diseases (chickenpox, mumps, measles, rubella, pertussis, scarlet fever)
The Children’s Ministry staff will not administer any type of medication to children placed in our care. If a child is taking an antibiotic, he or she must be on it for at least 24 hours before coming into class or nursery.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping all our children healthy.
can i run errands while my child is in class?
No. We ask that a responsible adult remain in the building while his or her child is checked in to our ministry. We believe it is beneficial for families to attend church together, so we encourage you to attend service as well.
when will my child move up to the next class?
We promote babies from the Nursery to the Toddler class sometime during January or February if they have turned 2 years old and demonstrate certain motor skills and behaviors indicating they are ready for the bigger class. All other children remain in their classrooms for the duration of the current school year, including the summer months. Children are promoted at the beginning of the school calendar year. Children are not promoted upon their birthday.
for info about our children’s ministry, please contact Kelly:
what our volunteers are saying
“I enjoy working with the preschoolers because they are loving and challenging. They also make me work at being an engaging teacher.”
"I love the interaction with kids and their parents!"
"As parents, we are thrilled with Kids' Church. Our kids are excited and love coming to church."
interested in volunteering?
We would love to hear from you!