Matthew 28:19-20 | God's Heart for the Discipleship of His People

May God’s heart for His people be on display among us.

As you go forward from this service time,
may your worship continue in many ways,
and particularly today in discipleship.

May you surrender yourself to Christ’s authority,
treasuring in your heart the status of disciple
while also acting out your faith
so that your life may be a beacon of hope
especially in days when hope feels far off for so many.

In following Christ with everything,
may you trust Him with it all,
including that whether your path is clear or not,
He will surely be with you even to the end.

As Christ builds into your life
through but not limited by others,
may you also build into the lives of sisters and brothers,
so that God’s heart is made clearer
as His church builds itself up in love.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up His countenance to you and give you peace.